Chestnut, B. (2013).The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self-Knowlege

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The Enneagram — a universal symbol of human purpose and possibility — is an excellent tool for doing the hardest part of consciousness work: realizing, owning, and accepting your strengths and weaknesses.

In this comprehensive handbook, Beatrice Chestnut, PhD, traces the development of the personality as it relates to the nine types of the Enneagram, the three different subtype forms each type can take, and the path each of us can take toward liberation. With her guidance, you can learn to observe yourself, face your fears and disowned Shadow aspects, and work to manifest your highest potential.

Om Jonaz Juura 291 Articles
Jonaz Juura är initiativtagare till och fungerar som adminstratör och huvudredaktör på HSP Särskilt intresserar han sig för högkänslighet, personlighetsteorier, andlighet och forskning.

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